Like many things in life, the answer to this question is...
Warning Signs
Scalability. Growth. Fresh fields. These are the dreams of so many businesses.
Beware of scams and know your rights!
Is a Search of the USPTO Database Enough?
No. Just, no. Searching the USPTO database is a very...
Brand News: What is a Moke?
A recent news story used a word I had never heard before:...
Independent Creation is Not an Excuse
I often say that intellectual property law is not...
Rapunzel, Let Down Your… Registered Trademark?
Fun Fact: Trademark law came into existence as a form of...
Your Brand Can be Precarious, even if you Didn’t Know
Meriam Webster defines “Precarious” as “dependent on...
Does it matter where I put the Brand?
This month marks the 20th anniversary of my first job in...
Is Your Brand a Time Bomb?
Did you know that the law impacts your brand? Have...
Is Your Brand Hazardous?
Did you know that the law impacts your brand? This week’s...
Warning Signs: Your Brand May Be On Thin Ice if…
The domain name with your company name was taken, so you...
Warning Signs: Your Brand May Be a Troublemaker if…
You believe securing a domain name was permission to use...
Warning Signs: Your Brand May Be a Problem Child if…
You believe forming your company with the Secretary of...