Trademark Applications based on Intent to Use

Can programming language names be trademarks?

Richard Rimer

January 10, 2022

What’s your superpower? Some of us are great at math, others can tell great stories. Me? I can use Intent to Use applications to build great brand protection strategies. (Don’t laugh– we don’t get to choose our superpowers!)

There are many advantages to using this filing basis to claim federal trademark rights. The biggest is that you can develop rights in a brand that predates your actual use. Another is that you get to include many items in an application at a very early stage.

Bailey was tired of his corporate job. He dreamed of opening a vegetarian restaurant named Cream of the Crop. I used the intent to use tool to help him secure rights in this name long before he quit his corporate job.  Further, we added other items such as prepackaged foods.

I’m a great fit for the corporate cog who is saving money to leave the rat race. They want to replace their downtown 9-5 finance job for a comic book store in the suburbs. He has a vision but is concerned someone will beat him to the punch. Ask him if his shop will have the original Superman, then let him know about my superpower—he might believe it is better than flight.

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