US Government Review- Filing Amendment to Allege Use

Likelihood of Confusion

Richard Rimer

March 7, 2022

Government review is one of four steps related to registering a brand.  What if I told you that there was a way to combine this step with another step to save money?  I use my experience to deliver positive results in an efficient manner.

Applicants must respond to any refusals issued by the USPTO, and they must demonstrate that they are using their brand.  Doing these steps at the same time can result in a faster and less expensive registration process.

I helped Jill begin the brand protection process before her business opened.  As I talked to her about the minor issues presented by the USPTO, I learned that Jill was about to open her store.  I recommended that Jill wait to respond to the USPTO issues until she could also claim her brand was in use, thus accomplishing two steps in one filing.

I am a good fit for businesses who demand value.  Introduce me to the CPA who noticed his client spent a lot on promotion in 2021, and let the CPA know my services are extensive, not expensive.

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