Owners want their business to be worth as much as possible. They want to increase value and decrease risk. I can use trademark law to accomplish both.
Many people say that the government doesn’t do much for them. This can change by registering your brand. Suddenly, your rights are recorded in the database maintained by the US Patent and Trademark Office, the main source searched by companies looking for new brands. Also, the USPTO reviews this database when they review new trademark applications, and they refuse applications which may be confused with your rights. Finally, this registration converts your brand into a recognized asset that can be sold, leased, borrowed against, etc.
Chef Esco makes the best pie ever. He promotes his brand and customers now identify this brand with his excellent pie. I helped him register this brand and he borrowed money using the registration as collateral. The bank knew this registration was a solid asset.
Introduce me to your friend looking to grow. I can show him that the answer to acquiring capital is literally hanging in his store window.