How Long does Registration take?

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Richard Rimer

May 3, 2022

What’s in a name? Registering your brand is the most cost-effective way to ensure you can use it as you plan. I’ve helped hundreds of companies register thousands of brands in my career. I’m often asked how long the process takes. The short answer today is at least a year, but there have been times in which you could complete the process in 6 months.

I’ve told you that I love playing games, and this is one area that is ripe for game-playing. While some clients want a registration ASAP, others have situations that make them want to stretch out the process for years.

Mike worked for the man but planned to open his own home inspection company once he saved enough money. We locked down his brand today but will keep the application open for up to 5 years while he saves money to start his business.

Your neighbor is using his business to secure a loan and was told he needs a trademark registration today. While I can’t give him that, I can get an application on file, and provide the bank with a serial number and a legal assessment of his rights. Let him know that I won’t play around.

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