Special Price on Brand Health Assessment

Richard Rimer

July 19, 2022

Your company name is one of the most important assets your company has. It is likely the #1 way customers find you. While this is good news, there is a real risk that it can change; that this tremendous asset can destroy your company. Big businesses usually manage this risk by hiring expensive law firms to protect them. Meanwhile, small businesses typically cross their fingers hoping that their brands generate sales and not catastrophes.

Small businesses deserve better!

I left the high-priced firms last year to establish my own firm: Initiating Protection. My law firm is dedicated to helping small businesses with brand protection. And now, for a limited time, we have a great offer for these businesses.

Initiating Protection is offering a Brand Health Assessment for only $275 to a limited number of clients. This written assessment will address the following:

– What risk does your brand pose to your business?

– What specific steps should you take to increase your rights in your brand?

– How strong is your brand?

For an additional $150 an attorney will discuss the assessment with you and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to see how you can turn your brand from a risk into a reward!